What went into the Madani Chronicles?
Season’s Greetings comic fans and welcome to Madani Chronicles Blog Post. This week we have some insight into the development process of our comic series which has now been completed.
This project began in 2015 as we were developing a video game project and the company ran into several untimely circumstances, the greatest of which was the need to pivot our business model in 2020 when the global Pandemic began.
We just completed a team post-mortem on the project and learned from each other’s experiences and struggles about how difficult this was, but also how incredible enlightening and awesome it was for us as creatives to work on a project that was fresh and totally new subject matter for pretty much all of us involved.
Having an Islamic academic to guide us and teach us about unclear matters was eye opening as we found Executive Producer Kelvin Ali, to be able to clearly explain things that we were often ambiguous to us.
We all had to learn, read, appreciate and respect the content, and plan together.
We had weekly development calls and each episode began with the base narrative for the episode.
From there we began pre-production, flushing out concept art and pencils.
These went to an approval process to match narrative to art and this proved to be our biggest challenge as the art was wonderful, but the subject matter was still unclear.
An great deal of reference documentation had to be reviewed from our game production and research was on-going right until the last proof was required.
This entire process was created from an idea and we figured it out along the way which was often frustrating especially being remote and with times of uncertainty when the Pandemic began.
The time in lockdown really helped us to realized how critically important our efforts and this IP was to the world and we just kept going!
We are now looking at the next steps and evolution from 2D to 3D and it is an exciting time to be in game development.
A lot of frustrating days, continuous editing, and refining and stylizing to match colour palletes in our technically and specifications documents. We all learned together through our collective struggles. Making a comic was challenging, exciting, and a lot harder than we expected as artists and creatives but it was also a lot of fun and we have all skilled up in many ways personally and professionally.
We worked incredibly hard to bring this series into reality and we look forward to the evolution of the Beyond Badr experience.
Each week we will be posting up some great insights, news, and valuable content to keep you informed about our latest developments and to also deliver great global inspiration and wisdoms.
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Your friends,
Beyond Badr Dev Team!