Spring is in the air!
We all love the sunshine and with it comes an opportunity to plant and grow some beautiful flowers and vegetables. The blossoms of cheery and maple trees have begun to bloom in eastern Ontario where some of our team reside and it is at this time of year that many of us begin to plant seeds, sow soil, or just set up a small balcony floral arrangement. During these months we spend a few moments during our downtime to connect to nature and set up our summertime flowers and vegetable experiments with our respective environments.
A new plant or a bouquet of flowers can bring a smile to anyone’s day and many of us just participated in giving flowers to our Mother this past mother’s day. As we were grateful to our mothers for their sacrifices, we will spend some of our time tending to our plants and flowers with great care as well.
We asked members of the Beyond Badr dev team what they are planting in their gardens this year and this is what we were told.
“Tomatoes, Swiss Chard, Orchids, Corn, Perennials, Cilantro, Mint, Basil, Carrots, Broccoli, Spinach, Potatoes, Pumpkin/Squash, Placing Floral Arrangements, Spinach, Strawberries, Black Berries, Raspberries, Thyme, Chives, Garlic, Citronella, Marigold, Fig Tree, Blueberries, Roses, Chili Peppers, Hot Peppers, Stevia, Tulip planting at the end of the year, Watermelon, Pumpkin, a pine tree, Green Beans, Snow Peas, Parsnips, Beets, whatever is on sale at the garden center, getting a cactus.”
Many of our team members enjoy the summer weather by dabbling in the soil inside and outside of their dwellings as we love our air and our plants and we try to keep our thumbs and planet green! Spending a few moments in the garden or tending to some plants can make our space and our rooms feel more tranquil and we’re fortunate to have a few months of good weather and environment to spend more time outdoors.
Our dev team also shared some of their own tips for making a small or large green space:
‘Till your soil! Use the right soil or manure mixture for whatever you are growing.’
‘Read the seed package instructions for best use of your seeds!’
‘Don’t over water your plants!’
‘Transplant your plants to bigger pots when the roots saturate the soil of your planters’ pots.’ ‘Keep some foliage that is known to deter insects! Be patient!’
‘Don’t plant too many things, it’s a lot of work!’
‘Have fun and make some designs with colours and shapes.’
‘Use your environment to grow things within the conditions you have.’
‘Be good to your plants and they will be good to you!’
‘Keep bird feeders away from your vegetables, you will attract unwanted critters who will make a mess
‘Plant your seeds according to the month and time of sunlight needed/recommended, they will last longer!’
‘Use sheep manure in your soil for vegetables and corn!’
‘I use your aquarium water (to be changed) for outdoor plants’
‘Place plants around your rooms or space, they can be calming to have and you can be subtle or vibrant with colours’
‘Sometimes after a few weeks into the spring plants and vegetables can be purchased that are just very underwatered. These can make great additions to your outdoor gardens with some care and you can save a lot of money as well for a pre-made seedling that looks distressed.’
‘Don’t water your plants mid-day or when it’s too hot, early morning or late evening is best outdoors’
‘Use seeds from your old or decomposing vegetables in your fridge. These can be grown in your gardens. Peppers seeds sprout well when they are old/dry.’
We hope that wherever you live, your Spring planting leads to a very colorful and bright summer with a great harvest of your crop, whatever you can plant, and whatever space you have to work with, watching a seedling grow is a wonderful thing!
Enjoy your spring and your summer days to come and our dev team wishes you a very happy planting season!
Do you have a special flower, fruit or vegetable native to your region and culture?
Why not join the clan and share your awesome garden tips and tricks with the community we’d love to hear what you are planting this year!
Visit https://www.beyondbadr.