Flowers for Mom?
As we approach Mother’s Day in western lands, the UK celebrates earlier than those of us in North America, we truly hope that the Queen of your household has a special moment each and every day of the year.
There is no one day to celebrate what our mothers have done for us all so make any day a special and good one for your parents. We asked, Madani Chronicles creator Kelvin Ali about this day.
“Anytime I hear or see a mother doing a good act with their children I think of my mom who has passed on.
Like all things in life and especially your parents, you will feel that loss eternally, for those blessed to have had a caring parent in their lives.
When I see all the posts on social media of people celebrating their mothers at this time or any it makes me smile.
It took many years and even courses on Loss and Greif Counselling to approach a state of healing for myself personally. I know my mother would never have wanted to see me sad or depressed and she would say to me before she passed on, “Kelvin, I may not know a lot of things, but remember my words…” and she would share some wisdom of life.
That’s what I try to focus on now, all of the good things she taught and tried to pass on to me. Do I cry? Of course, I do at times, if you don’t cry for the loss of your mother, then something is wrong with your heart, if you had a good relationship. In Islam we are taught respect and love our parents and even avoid saying, ‘Umph’ to them. Does that happen? Of course not, we have all had days we did or said something that maybe we should not have to our parents, so you will regret having made those events in your life. Your parents and most mothers will most likely forgive their children for all things so if you caused some pain to any loved one, seek forgiveness. My mother would be proud in my opinion of what I have accomplished and I hope that one day I will be able to tell her about all of the crazy things that happened when she departed from this world and I still had some time here. That’s what I look forward to and dwell upon.
A laugh, a smile, a joke, a hug, a kiss, whatever your mother has done for you in life is unrepayable, so if flowers make her smile, get her some, if it’s an act or something to make her day easier, even a cup of tea can be something you can do if you live with your parents to make their lives a little easier. I have been blessed to teach others in a professional capacity and I have seen a lot of ungrateful children who have not appreciated their parents sacrifices to send them to school and I always made du’a for these kid’s parents. But we all will face the loss of someone, or something at some time and just realize that whatever your loss in life is, it is going to take time to recover and heal so give yourself that personal grace and space to let your heart mend itself. Dwelling on the best of those days and times with one has departed is what I think any true friend would want and I can say that my mom was my friend. May Allah (swt) Grant her Jannah Al Firdose. Ameen, I think that’s the best gift of remembrance I can offer to her as an act of my love always, a good du’a for your parents never hurts whether or not they are alive or dead, I can assure you that your parents made a lot of du’a for you no matter what your faith is.”
We hope that your Mother’s Day becomes one every day and we encourage you to be good to your parents.
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