Are you inspired to do great things this year?
Are you inspired to do great things this year?
Have you ever felt the feelings of motivation from New Year’s resolutions start to wane?
We all have felt our motivation wane at times and we hope you are inspired to do amazing things every day.
When you enjoy what you do for a living it makes your struggle more rewarding.
And we found a man who truly loves what he does!
On a trip to Southern India, Madani Chronicles Creator Kelvin Ali took some time to help some local fishermen and participate in a local fresh ‘fish auction’.
Check out this awesome video clip of a spontaneous stroll on the beach front which transformed into a joint communal struggle and then a spontaneous invitation for a feast to enjoy the catch of the evening with the locals! (*Here)
A lot of our youth are unsure of where their career and future will take them in these times of uncertainty and this can be overwhelming at times.
Kelvin’s advice to anyone on making a new of difficult career choice,
“Just do what you love!
How do you know if you love it?
Well, even if you were not to be paid for your work at times, would you still want to do it? That doesn’t mean just chipping in, it means finding a way to do what interests you. Skilling up, trying new things, and not being afraid to fail in order to find what you love and what you are truly passionate about. That takes courage so I encourage you to be grateful. If you fall into a career path that you love and you are paid to do your work for then I believe that you are of the few who are truly blessed with this ‘gift’ that only you can cultivate from within and you will need good people in your circles to encourage you when there are dark days and times which every human will experience.
We’ve been created with a life of toil and we need to work, so why not try to do something you enjoy even if it means developing a hobby into a profession if its possible. If you can put a smile on your face and others when you work, then that’s a clue that maybe you are in a good place to be. Finding people to bond with is difficult and takes an effort to keep positive and grateful. When you seek to lead you have to lead the energy of others as well and that can be tough at times so make the minutes count and be grateful for any opportunity to earn, whatever the reward is you seek.
A lot of people in this world will go through the motions just to have a minimum level of certainty, I think that when you love what you do for a living, the rewards will naturally come your way, but you will need to work on having faith and patience. Insh’Allah”
We hope you enjoyed this post and we invite you to join our clanClan for some awesome gifts, the latest news, and many inspirational posts in days to come!
Wishing you the best of all things,
The Beyond Badr Dev Team